1) MILITARY AREA (Mine, shelter, room and buried hidden ammunition etc.)
2) SAFETY (Buried weapon and buried corpse etc.)
3) SEARCH AND RESCUE (Live detection under avalanche, avalanche fall, landslide)
4) CONSTRUCTION AREA (Soil survey and soil strength measurements)
5) GEO ALKEOLOGY (Site search or mapping site determination studies)
6) PRE-ARCHEOLOGICAL EXCAVATION PRE-DETECTION (Before excavation, the definition of metal spaces, etc.)
7) HOBBY AREAS UNDERGROUND AND IN-WATER EMBEDDINGS ( DENİZ LAKE AKARSU ) (Define buried or hidden gold, rooms, tunnels and cavities as well as general purpose treasure pre-determination)
Proton Elic Standard Model
The thermal precision detection of ASV proton series is the only product in the world without any precedent for high resolution metal plus gap detection.YaklaşıkAbout the ground Under the structure of the soil and good ground conditions, the metal room tunnel wall at a depth of 7 meters to 50 meters can detect the location of non-metal objects clearly, it can scan very easily up to 1000 meters range with 150 meters range in soil structure and good ground conditions.LıElc can make indoor and outdoor shooting in daytime and daytime as well as satellite coordinates in Turkish menu with one button.LıElic automatically scans the area where the device is directed in a very short time as well as a live view.LıElectually, the vehicle can scan regardless of vehicle speed when the vehicle is moving. Elic is also a superior device with many features of this feature. It has a battery that can be used for 70 hours.
Model Name/Number - Proton Elic Standerd
Brand - Prpton Elic
Usage/Application - Under Ground Gold Detection
Range - >10 meter
Color - Black
Operating Temperature - 48
Voltage - 12V
Additional Information:
Item Code: ps1
Production Capacity: 5
Delivery Time: week days
Packaging Details: Box packing